What began as a simple desire to help others, grew into a foundation
that has impacted more than 400,000 people around the world.
Our Story
In 2007 LaRee Hansen found herself living in a foreign country far from family, friends, or anything familiar. Instead of feeling sad about her circumstances, she decided to find any opportunity she could to help others. LaRee began volunteering at a local children’s hospital where she met a little boy named Artem. Artem was suffering from liver failure, and in series of miraculous events LaRee and her husband Travis were able to form a nonprofit and connect him with a liver doctor who could save his life. Ten years later, Sunshine Heroes has built 9 Sunshine Centers and performed 8 projects to help communities in 12 countries.
Our Mission
Sunshine Heroes was founded in 2007 with the singular mission to strengthen families. We believe that all children deserve the opportunity to learn, grow, and develop into the leaders of tomorrow. For this reason, Sunshine Heroes is focused on four core areas of development: clean water, education, improving the lives of children and strengthening families. Our commitment to improving these core areas will lead to a brighter future and improved quality of life for those living in developing communities across the globe. We collaborate with other non-profits, international NGOs, local leaders, and field experts on the ground to ensure sustainable solutions that lead to long-term impact and positive change for current and future generations. Join us in spreading sunshine.
See our Impact